A new pyramid has been discovered just outside of Cairo at a time when there is civil unrest. There is violence that is near to the archaeologists that are attempting to unearth thousands of years of sand and dirt and they have been ordered to leave the area in 24 hours. During the excavation an entrance is located and opened causing the closest worker to get engulfed with a deadly mixture of toxic gases. The team leader is reluctant to send anyone inside so they turn to a NASA rover that they just happen to have borrowed into the never ending catacombs. During its short exploration of the tombs someone or something incapacitates it. Unwilling to leave the expensive piece of equipment behind the team decides to enter the Pyramid to recover it. Once inside they quickly get turned around and lost with no way of getting out. One by one each member of the team is killed by an dark creature that looks very much like Anubis the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion.
The CGI is sub-standard at best and definitely pulls you out of the experience every time Anubis or the little sphinx are on screen. They're almost cute the way they scamp around and drag people to their grisly CGI death. Theres a better way to build tension and horror (gore) without the use of BAD CGI. The story is a cheap knock off of Alien meets The Descent so it becomes predictable. If more time and money was spent on developing practical SFX and a better story well than you'd have a "Hollywood" POS. The point being; if its a low budget film then stay true to that premise and don't try to be something your not.
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