Friday, July 18, 2014

Hatchet 3 - 2013

Hatchet 3 - 2013  -Director - BJ McDonnell

 So I haven't really been a huge fan of this series for some reason.  I think because the film makers are going for their own version of a campy Friday the 13th knock off that doesn't always work for me.  But for some reason this episode in the series is a lot of fun.  It has some pretty juicy moments for those that like the splatter.  

Victor Crowley is alive and well and still living in the swamp, although after Marybeth (Danielle Harris) turned his head into a pile of goo in the last movie I'm not so sure how.  Who cares lets kill some town deputies!
After turning herself into the authorities Marybeth is locked up in the town jail for MURDER. Eventually with the help from Caroline Harris (Amanda) who is no stranger to slasher flicks (Halloween 2 2009) and Sid Haig who steals the show as a racist crazy they head back to the swamp to finish off ole' Vic.

The pacing in this film is perfect, no slow points trying to explain the unexplainable.  Its also not short on splatter.  If your in need of a good horror fix you could do a lot worse.

 Sid Haig!!!


That's gonna leave a mark

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