Monday, March 9, 2015

Predestination - 2014

Predestination - 2014 - Michael Spierig · Peter Spierig

Predestination doesn't really fall into the horror junkie category but... it's my blog so deal with it :)

Lets talk about time travel shall we.  If your a fan of
time travel /mind bending movies like "Primer" "Butterfly Effect" and "Triangle" you will adore what "Predestination" has to offer.   Its intricate story and Sarah Snook's superb acting make this one to put on the top of your "Timely" movie queue.  This can be a tricky review do write considering the potential spoilers that are involved, so here we go.

The movie explores the possibilities related to the Predestination Paradox also known as a causality loop. It's an event that triggers another event that prevents changing the first event.  Good luck wrapping your head around the possibilities but "Predestination" makes it fun.
Ethan Hawke is a Temporal agent in charge of tracking down a terrorist who will eventually and does kill thousands of innocent people in New York City.  One night he meets John played by (Sarah Snook) in a bar and they get to discussing John's life story and how he was once a woman.  John/Jane was abandoned as an infant by a mysterious stranger at a orphanage.  Identified as a female, he is raised as "Jane". Jane later tries to join the Space Corps and excels in the recruitment tests, but is removed from the list because of an incident.  After being expelled she meets a mysterious stranger who gets her pregnant and then vanishes.  During the birth of her child the doctors discover that Jane was born with both female and male reproductive organs, allowing Jane to give birth to a baby with her female reproductive organs. The baby is kidnapped while still in the hospital. And without Jane's consent, the physician forces Jane to undergo an operation to remove her female sexual organs — irreparable after birth complications — therefore becoming a man named John.

Still with me??

The temporal agent (Ethan Hawke) feels that John would make an excellent recruit for the "Temporal Bureau" so he begins to expose and train him in the art of jumping to a specific date in the past or the future.

I love the endless possibilities that "Predestination" lays out in front of us and the conundrum and consequences that the temporal agency faces with each time jump that they make. If you enjoy actually having to think not only during the first viewing of a movie, but to ponder it afterwards.  And to even go as far as to research the potential of time travel you will hands down LOVE this one.

The Pyramid - 2014

The Pyramid - Grégory Levasseur - 2014

The best part of "The Pyramid" is its feeling of claustrophobia.  And thats it...  The acting is okay but the CGI and story are seriously lacking.
A new pyramid has been discovered just outside of Cairo at a time when there is civil unrest. There is violence that is near to the archaeologists that are attempting to unearth thousands of years of sand and dirt and they have been ordered to leave the area in 24 hours. During the excavation an entrance is located and opened causing the closest worker to get engulfed with a deadly mixture of toxic gases. The team leader is reluctant to send anyone inside so they turn to a NASA rover that they just happen to have borrowed into the never ending catacombs. During its short exploration of the tombs someone or something incapacitates it. Unwilling to leave the expensive piece of equipment behind the team decides to enter the Pyramid to recover it. Once inside they quickly get turned around and lost with no way of getting out. One by one each member of the team is killed by an dark creature that looks very much like Anubis the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion.

The CGI is sub-standard at best and definitely pulls you out of the experience every time Anubis or the little sphinx are on screen. They're almost cute the way they scamp around and drag people to their grisly CGI death. Theres a better way to build tension and horror (gore) without the use of BAD CGI. The story is a cheap knock off of Alien meets The Descent so it becomes predictable. If more time and money was spent on developing practical SFX and a better story well than you'd have a "Hollywood" POS.  The point being; if its a low budget film then stay true to that premise and don't try to be something your not.

So Lame!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Oculus - 2014

Oculus - 2014 - Mike Flanagan

Most mainstream Hollywood horror movies rarely get it right with regards to the level of story they’re trying convey or written for the screen. I've seen too many horror films that try to squeeze in way too much in a 90 minute movie. Oculus is the exception to that opinion.

Tim (Brenton Thwaites) is being released from a mental institution due to a childhood trauma he suffered many years earlier; he's met outside by his sister Kaylie (Karen Gillan) who has been preparing all her adult life for a showdown with the mirror.

Kaylie has gone to the extreme to prepare her and Tim's attempt in destroying the mirror forever.  She has an entire lab setup in the house with cameras, timers and a failsafe object set to destroy the mirror in the event neither of them is available to reset the trap once every hour.  The mirror has the ability to make anyone within a certain distance of it to hallucinate.  So all the while Tim and Kaylie can't be sure what they’re seeing or much less doing is reality.

The directors ability to keep us on track throughout the story as the characters are re-living childhood events while they are experiencing them again in the present was a pleasure to watch unfold.  This could have easily turned out messy but Mike Flanagan does a masterful job of keeping the story organized.  It would have been easy to derail the train if they weren't cautious

I really enjoyed the intersection between what the children were experiencing and what they are seeing as adults in the same location. It’s very difficult to put into words how the story flows from childhood and back to what the adults are experiencing, I have to admit I’ve never watched anything quite like it.

If you’re tired of the same old blood bath and want to enjoy a fresh new suspense filled movie Oculus will not disappoint.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Sacrament - 2013

The Sacrament - 2013 - Ti West

If you're a fan of Ti West's films House of the Devil, The Innkeepers and Cabin Fever 2 you won't be disappointed with The Sacrament even though technically it doesn't fall into the Horror genre.  Without a doubt the single reason I loved this movie is because of the captivating acting of Gene Jones who plays The Father.

Three junior news reporters Jake (Joe Swanberg) Sam (AJ Bowen) and Patrick (Kentucker Audley) document their journey to locate Patrick's sister Caroline (Amy Seimetz) who has joined a religious cult called Eden Parish located in a remote area of the jungle.  Once they arrive and realize she is safe they make an effort to investigate what the cult is all about.  All of the residents claim they are in paradise and have graciously endowed their faith in the mysterious leader known only as "The Father" played by Gene Jones.  His presence when on on screen is nothing short of mesmerizing.  He captures the profound believability of a cult leader who will do anything for his followers.

The first half of the film builds a tense foundation to the story in a way that indicates that something just isn't right at Eden Parish. While the reporters continue to dig deeper they're approached by some of the followers that want to leave with them.  This sets off a chain reaction which leads to The Father willing his follows to commit mass suicide.  The 2nd part of the film follows the parish members as some of them willingly "Drink the kool-aid" and those that refuse.  While this atrocity unfolds the reporters are taken prisoner and eventually try to escape while the armed guards of the compound ensure that all the followers die.

The Sacrament does fall into the found footage genre but very easily could have been a standard film.  Most found footage movies leave much to be desired with regards to the overall story being told but The Sacrament nails it. It's basically the story of the Jonestown Massacre, so if you are familiar with that event you will know what to expect.

Monday, August 4, 2014

All Cheerleaders Die - 2013

All Cheerleaders Die - 2013 - Directors -Lucky McKee and Chris Sivertson
At first glance All Cheerleaders Die looks like the  "A"  typical horror comedy, "You know the type" where the jocks and their cheerleader girlfriends are hated by the socially introverted goth chick and her weird friend that have been wronged somehow.

Think Jennifer's Body meets The Craft and Mean Girls.
After the death of her childhood best friend Alexis; Maddy (Caitlin Stasey) is angered when Alexis's boyfriend Terry (Tom Williamson) who is the leader of the football team starts to immediately date the next cheerleader on the squad Tracy (Brooke Butler).  Maddy now wants to join the cheerleaders so she can seek revenge against them.  She starts to make them feel that the other is cheating while seducing Tracy herself.  Things go from typical high school drama to down right crazy when all of the cheerleaders die in a car crash (hence All Cheerleaders Die).  Maddy's ex-girlfriend is so overcome by all of their deaths that she invokes a Pagan ritual to bring them all back from the dead.  Now that they're back from the dead they realize they have a thirst for human blood.

Fortunately All Cheerleaders Die has a great twist halfway through otherwise I would have really struggled to find a reason to recommend it. One of my biggest problems is the pacing of the film.  It continually goes off and on track throughout the first half of the film while not allowing to find a character to like or even relate too.  There is a fair amount of gore while the cheerleaders understand they need to feed on human blood, this comes with some decent laughs.

If you're looking for a scarfest you'll have to look elsewhere but if you like whiny MTV dramas with some blood sprinkled in, then your in luck.

mmmm. Tastes like chicken

Do I have anything on my face??

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Loved Ones - 2009

The Loved Ones - 2009 - Director - Sean Byrne

Ugly duckling is snubbed and gets revenge.  That's the basic story behind the 2009 indie horror film The Loved Ones.  It's easy to classify this as another Australian torture porn film much like the Wolf Creek movies, but The Loved Ones stands out mostly because of the great pairing of Robin McLeavy and John Brumpton who play the "not pretty enough" daughter and the father with lots of daddy daughter issues. 

Xavier Samuel plays Bret who in the beginning of the movie has a car accident that kills his father.  Brett is never the same again and neither is his alcoholic mother since his fathers death.  He slips into an angry marijuana induced heavy metal rebellious teen mood; that doesn't phase his high school sweetheart who appears ready to save him from the path of self destruction.

Its the last dance of the school year and Brett is  going with Holly (Victoria Thaine) but when the "Ugly Duckling" Lola asks Bret to go with her; he tries to let her down easy by saying he already has a date.  This flips the switch in Lola and we can see she's already plotting her revenge.  Her Daddy played by John Brumpton drugs Brett and takes him back their house.  Brett wakes up tied to a chair and Lola is in her prom dress along with a disco ball hanging in the dining room.  This is Lola's prom and she always gets what she wants...

The Loved Ones has its moments of gore and squirm, especially when daddy is teaching his little princess how to lobotomize their new victim.  If you like the sub genre "torture porn" films like Hostel and Wolf Creek then The Loved Ones should be on your radar.  It has all of the typical torture "love me or I'll chop this off" stuff but its done in a fresh new way that a lot of this sub genre seems to miss.

"'It's just a flesh wound!"

Monday, July 21, 2014

13 Sins - 2014

 13 Sins - 2014 - Director - Daniel Stamm

So.. 13 Sins which is a remake of a 2006 horromedy called 13 Beloved stars Mark Webber as Elliot Brindle a down on his luck salesman / soon to be father who is in desperate need of cash.  To make things a bit more stressful; Elliot's developmentally disabled brother will be forced back to a mental institution and his racist father will be moving in with him.  So needless to say he has alot going on, thats when the phone call comes offering him $1000 if he'll kill and eat a fly.  Yep. "a fly".
Now he's given an option to continue with 12 more challenges that will mean more money deposited directly into his bank account. Each of the following challenges become morally difficult and dangerous with a reward in the millions.

No!! I'm a RIGHTY!!

If you liked Would you Rather or Cheap Thrills then you'll like 13 Sins the premise is the same, someone is offered endless amounts of money if they're willing to do some disturbing tasks. There's something about a situation where money is no object if your willing to do anything for it.  We as a society have the all mighty dollar at our focal point throughout our lives, and the idea of completing mundane to horrific tasks to make money can be entertaining. 

13 Sins is an efficient thriller with some good laughs thrown in. Daniel Stamm does a good job keeping us on track following Elliot as he jumps through his hoops.

This isn't the $64,000 question.

Nothing a few Advil couldn't fix.